Friday, March 24, 2023

Purposeful Living Procedures



Hi Sisters!  Brothers, you are welcome too!


One of my favorite pass times is watching human dynamics.  Examining the thought process and behaviors of others intrigues me because of my nature, simply put, I am a lover of healing and deliverance.  When I say healing and deliverance, I mean wellness of mind, body, and spirit.  I truly enjoy witnessing people finding solutions, overcoming tragic experiences, and living a happy life.

Now, I’ll be the first to admit, I’m not a professional counselor or therapist, but I do have some spiritual gifts and experiences that have served and supported some of God’s people through some difficult times.  As a result, it’s my hope that all people would live burden free!  My hopes include wanting people to know that their life would be better lived by identifying one’s pursuit of purpose, with passion.  Now, I know some of you may be thinking, it’s easier said than done!  However, there are some strategies that can make a difference!  Operating with certain principles can bring joy. 

For instance, it is significant to understand the importance of decision-making and how crucial it is to healthy living.  When we think about various bad experiences in life, such as divorce, drug addiction, and school failure, we’re able to pinpoint the process of how decision-making most likely played a role in how things turned out.  Therefore, taking time to thoroughly think things through and weighing the odds before moving forward can lead to better results.

Another area to consider approving is establishing, and setting goals and MOVING towards them, which supports healthy living.  If you are anything like me, it took me years to first identify my life’s purpose, and after that, I just kept the thoughts of what I should be doing in my head without actually putting them into motion!  Therefore, I would encourage you to do something daily towards one of your goals, at least one thing, whether it’s minor or massive, the effort will push your will to do more!  The more you do, the more your mindset will begin to evolve and advance.

Finally, be an advocate for wellness!  Thinking well is a powerful mechanism for producing clearer thoughts.  I’m sure most of you know, there are five brain chemicals that influence human behavior, one, in particular, is serotonin, which affects tranquility and positiveness.  Creating serotonin involves healthy eating, as well as mindful experiences.  Moreover, be purposeful with the company you keep, and how you spend and create quality time for yourself!  As always, it’s been a pleasure to be a part of your life and until next time…… live purposefully, in PEACE!



Mandy the Motivator with Sister Expressions

Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Old Fashion Part 2 (Oldie But Goodie)

 Hi, Sister Expressions' Family! 

It's your girl, Mandy Stone, hoping all is well with each of you and sending you nothing but LOVE!  As promised, I'm back to pick up where we left off!  As you may remember during our last discussion, we contemplated the topic of disrespectful advances toward a person in a committed relationship and a possible reason why one commits such acts.  I gave my viewpoint, which is "hurt people, hurt people"!  Nevertheless, let's continue the conversation by diving into ways in which one can recognize their own dysfunction when one expressed this type of behavior.  

 As a woman of a certain age, I have been involved in many relationship conversations and for the most part, the same issues in regard to romance have sprung up.  Just to name a few, infidelity, finances, no compatibility, and different life goals and values.  However, at the core of all of these, lies the lack of one main ethic, also known as an "Old Fashion" value, which is love, I call it an oldie but goodie!😆  It's becoming more apparent that the lack of love is a valuable emotion that every human needs in order to thrive and become successful during their life's journey.  For instance,  the lack of love at the infant stage has been proven to cause challenges in one's adult life.  According to Dr. Jacqueline Payne in her article entitled, Child Attachment Disorder, "If they are in a situation where they do not receive normal love and care, they cannot develop this close bond. This may result in a condition called attachment disorder. It usually happens to babies and children who have been neglected or abused, or who are in care or separated from their parents for some reason."  Having the inability to express and receive love has been proven to present problems in a person's adulthood, which leads to an inaptitude of not connecting with the pain that is imposed upon others.  Such individuals oftentimes cannot identify their selfish or rude behaviors.   

I find it quite stinging that we live in times, where mental health care is more readily available than ever, however, the number of individuals that are suffering from mental health issues are on the extreme rise.  Although I am not a licensed therapist, I do support the work that they do and would recommend seeking help if you find yourself inflicting pain and hurt on yourself and/or others.  Getting to the root cause of negative behavior is the first step toward healthy living!  Only you can make changes.

Nevertheless, if someone is treating you inappropriately, please do not become a victim!  Keep in mind, that they are victimizing themselves in a much worsen fashion.  Now, I am not telling you to allow someone to run over you, but what I am saying is, you do not have to internalize their exploits, you have a choice, and it is totally up to you! As always, thank you for stopping by, Sister Expressions, don't forget to subscribe and until next time, stay healthy and enjoy living! 

Mandy the Motivator


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Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Old Fashion Part I

Greetings and Happy New Year!

As some of you may know, I am an educator by profession and this is one of our favorite times of the school year.  Many of us will agree that this is one of our most exciting periods because we are now on what is called,  Holiday or Winter Break, formerly called Christmas Break.  As you can imagine having two weeks away from the hustle and bustle of being an educator is what makes it so welcomed and appreciated.  Just like the name change of our time away, another major change that has taken place in life is the embedding of social media.  Nevertheless, many other things that have become intertwined and have ushered in change is the use of social media, and its involvement as a pastime indulgence that not only entertains, but is also where many now choose to get their news, learn exciting new things, and share their viewpoints.  As a result, I too have spent some of my quiet time strolling through Facebook to be a part of my FB friend's experiences, advice, and circumstances.  Therefore, for some of us, what we once knew as the norm is now considered "Old Fashion" and outdated.  Don't get me wrong, I am fully aware that as life evolves, humanity should become more advanced and progressive, but is it reasonable to believe some things are better left unchanged? 😕

With that being said, I've noticed a change that is increasingly growing and I would love your viewpoint, experiences, and outlook regarding this matter.  Now, let me warn you upfront, opinions may vary, however, respect must remain and the question is, is an unmarried man/woman fair game for others to pursue, although they are in a committed relationship?  

Within the last couple of weeks, my man and I have been in various social environments in which different women have made subtle glances.  Although we are not married, we are in a committed relationship and have been for thirteen years on and off.  Although these instances did not cause any direct problems within my relationship, they did cause me to think about the level of disrespect women have for each other and what would make them commit such acts?  

Moreover, I've discovered many reasons cause women to do such things, none of them being positive or healthy, but before you share your thoughts, I would like you to meet of glimpse of one young lady through a paradigm.

Meet Shanell...….

Shanell is a reasonably nice-looking lady and can be found in any social environment, she's at church, at your work, at the club, and at your local restaurant.  Shanell can seem quite quiet in posture, however, it is with purpose.  Shanell's motive is to appear harmless and preoccupied with side conversations, but as soon as she sees an opportunity to make an advancement at an obviously taken man, she pounces with strong, compelling, but imaginative eye contact.  Along with these attributes, some other women can be even more invasive by adding incongruous comments or words.  Now I am sure we can all agree that how your partner handles such advancement is the most significant part of all of this, however, the question remains the same, is an unmarried man/woman fair game for others to pursue, although they are in a committed relationship?  

Perhaps, you have heard that hurt people hurt people, and I find it to be true!  The fact that a man/woman can be so disrespectful clearly shows that he/she is apparently broken in some area of their life.  When someone loses sight of how their actions can bring any level of discomfort to another is proof that a level of sensitivity to life has been lost. Such persons have spiritually agreed to be an instrument to usher in strife and controversies that can lead to several different negative outcomes.  The fact that we are living in a world where violence has increased, this behavior can lead to violence physically and I would add spiritually. Although this behavior has been around from the beginning of humanity's creation, it is still within reason for individuals to deal with their underline issues in life to become a vessel of positivity and support for already existing relationships.  As a result, look out for my next blog as we embark on how to remain an "Old Fashion" man/woman in the area of LOVE and for ways to establish one's own healthy relationship!!!!

Thursday, October 14, 2021

A Time to Celebrate

Hi, Beauties and Blokes!

Good Morning, it's time to celebrate!  I am sure you are asking what is the occasion, right? When we see the word, celebrate, we think of birthdays, weddings, and other fun activities, however, we have much more to add to the list of celebratory events.  As a result, today Sister Expressions is celebrating YOU! You may be asking yourself, what have I done or what is the occasion?  I am glad you asked!

You are indeed worthy to be hailed just for being YOU!  Everyone is unique and exceptional and offers beauty that no one else can extend to the world.  You have gifts and wills that not only deem you victorious but can lend themselves to others, so please join us today as we APPLAUD you!

Until Next Time,

Mandy the Motivator

Wednesday, October 13, 2021

How to Create Passion to Fuel Your Goals to Completion?

Hi Sisters and Brothers!

Yes, I said brothers, normally, my post speaks to my sisters, but brothers are in need of seeing their goals fulfilled too! Being a lover of all of humanity, I'm super excited to share what has worked for me in the area of meeting my goals, and fueling my passion!  The definition of passion clearly represents the strong emotions that must be exhibited when passion is a driving force.  However, it was my experience and other emotions coupled together that brought on an extreme level of passion, which led to me to just do what needed to be done for me.

I'm sure that this will sound strange, however, I'm willing to share, in hopes of providing strength to someone who's willing and able to identify with me.  When looking for strength and passion to start on a particular journey, I pulled from other emotions that I experienced in the past which, flooded and moved me to higher levels or depths in life. Some of those emotions were good and some were not so pleasant.  I'm sure we can agree that it's quite easy to use good emotions and past triumphs to fuel new goals to completion.  However, it's remembering to use those previous victories to ignite a new passion that sometimes stops us from current levels of growth.  Therefore, I recommend journaling in order to establish a means of keeping up with those victories.  Having those victories stored and readily available and within hand's reach will eliminate negative thoughts and feelings from taking over which most often leads to depression and unmet goals.

Staying in lines of transparency, I will be the first to admit that negative experiences seem to be the first past experiences that come to mind when we are low on self-motivation energy, so how do we use them to create positive results? The strategy that I use is allowing myself to not only remember the difficulty in that undesirable encounter but focus on the fact that I made it through!  Recognizing the positive aspects and identifying with the lessons learned and using them to my advantage!  Asking myself those important questions, such as, what was my role in the situation, how could I have handled it differently, and establishing foundational rules for the next uncomfortable situation that I may encounter.  In lighter terms, being mentally prepared and emotionally stable for the future.

As a result, being blessed with life means we have time to set and met our goals.  I encourage you to be deliberate and intentional with the time that you have been awarded to live.  I hope I have inspired and reinsured you to set goals and establish a winning plan as you enjoy being alive! Feed your passion and promote from your doubt!

Until Next Time, 

Mandy the Motivator

Friday, January 15, 2021

Don't Give Up

Hi Sister!

Just wanted to share a word of encouragement! "Don't give up"! I know you have heard this many times and perhaps you are considering skipping this message, BUT DON'T! This is for someone who is suffering from a disappointment or what may seem to be a delay or betrayal and wondering why? Well, please consider this: GREAT things come from that place if you just DON'T GIVE UP! Let's look at some examples: Salvation came after Jesus suffered, if you talk to inventors, etc., they will convey a message of failure before success, and the list goes on.

Here's what I want you to do, ponder, and pray about your next move, collaborate with a well-trusted friend, and allow God the opportunity to reinvent your steps for a greater outcome in your favor! Remember winners, always win when we DON'T GIVE UP!!!😘

Monday, October 19, 2020

We've all heard, "you can choose to be happy".  For some of us it is hard to believe, however it is really true!  I suggest you step outside of yourself and take the advice from yourself, that you would give a friend regarding any situation that is making you unhappy.💓〰 Mandy

A Reflection of Self-Worth

Keep a Smile on your face!

"Loving yourself can take time and effort for some people and I was one of those individuals, but I fought my way through pain and bad experiences, YOU CAN TOO"!!!

You're stronger than you think!  Find that inner zeal to invest in you! 💪〰 Mandy the Motivator


Monday, October 12, 2020

What Should We Do With Our Lives?

Hey Sister!

I hope this post finds you in great spirit and "living your best life"!  Speaking of life, I find it a bit intriguing how our lives begin with us having no awareness!  It is amazing of our lack of consciousness regarding the first steps of our developmental process.  As a result, our parents have the responsibility of sculpting our foundation.  It is not until we are able to walk and talk that our memory and our ability to reason bridges our ability to become conscious of our lives and the environment that surrounds us.

Most of us can account for times as young children that we are asked, "what do you want to be when you grow up"?  That one popular question which seems so innocent is powerful and is relevant to our life's work!  I believe our young lives take on interest and pass along signs that sometimes led us to discovering what should we do with our lives. I can remember a time in the late 70's, I was sitting at my dining room table watching my mom prepare breakfast when I picked up a small pamphlet from the table.  It was what I now know to be a "Christian Track".  Not being a over enthused reading for some reason I was drawn to it without a cause, however I didn't put it down until I read the entire thing.  To this day I remember the author's meaning, which was to make it clear to the reader that a good person could find themselves in what the Bible describes as hell.  I gathered that it took a more defined commit to the teachings of God before one could be apart of heaven.  Although, my mom was not an active member of the Christian faith, an I only was nine years old something pricked my heart and what I describe as a burning in my heart, it never went away!  After questioning my mother with a number of inquiries my life went back to normal. 

Fast forwarding the story I found myself heavily involved in the works of the Christian faith at nineteen years old.  Furthermore, I eventually obtained an undergraduate degree in Biblical Education and became a pastor's wife and a local minister.  I currently service humanity in various ways, which supports my theory that knowing what you should do with your life can most likely be traced by to childhood.  I honesty believe that my purpose was stamped on me the day I read that Christian Track and somehow life guided me to my aspiration in life.

Perhaps you are currently in the state of finding your life's ambition?  If so, I would like to encourage you  to think far back to your childhood for experiences and involvements that made an impact on you.  Let me warn you, the memory may not be one of joy and happiness.  Some of you may have had a rough childhood with trauma, but don't over look that experience!  You did survive!  Sometimes we go through bad situations for a much bigger purpose.  Good things can come out of bad circumstances, I can attest to that, but that would be another blog post.  Also, keep in mind that life purposes usually involve the development of humanity in some aspect or another.   Therefore, as you set out to seek the answer to, what should I do with my life, be inspired to discover or rediscover you unique talent that only you can bring to pass!  If you still need a little inspiration and guidance, I have attached a link below to a wonderful article entitled, "How to Find Your Purpose in Life".💓

Monday, April 9, 2018

Metamorphosis/Elle Capri

One of the most famous quotes regarding relationships is "people come into your life for
a reason, season, or a lifetime" and for the most part I tend to agree! However, I've
discovered an additional purpose for some people to enter another's life, I call it "mic-time"!
I'm sure you are wondering what does it mean, mic-time. It's quite simple, it's when you
meet someone and they are filled with words that speak to you through experiences and
involvements that can be shared to promote wellness and wholeness within another.
There are a small number of individuals that we come across in life that share artistic gifts
that can uplift, inspire, and purge us into a better version of one's self. Although, these
interactions are powerful they may not be there for a season, one particular reason,
or a lifetime....just a mic-time!

Recently, I met this remarkable and courageous young lady who is full of life in various
ways. She's striking in the areas of self-awareness and education. Meeting this
sister reminded me of some of the reasons why I started this blog. We (sisters)
are often described in negative ways such as "angry, bitter, and hostile", however we
are much more than that! We are leaders, nurturers, trendsetters,
survivors and the list goes on. However, despite the most difficult situations
that have been placed on us, we remain vital and an essential
fabric to the future of all humanity!

Therefore, I'm elated to introduce to you an author, educator, poet, and sister,
Ms. Elle Capri! Ms. Capri is the author of "Metamorphosis", which is "
a collection of poems in which she shares an array of her feelings,
thoughts, and emotions including happiness, sadness, bluntness, disappointment,
joy, love, resilience, and her undeniable faith in GOD." After several discussions
with Elle, I was overwhelmed with the sense of life, which resonates from
her soul. I gathered that her life has been full of amazing twist and turns
that fashioned and shaped her into a unique being. Enjoy the read!

Buried Treasure
By Elle Capri

Sunlight accented melanin, beams of heat penetrate my skin.
Flowing with elegance and grace, the look of pride upon my face.
Head shining like the moon, turning heads as I grace the room.
Strong and forceful I walk the trail, waiting for the moment I exhale.
I’ve waited for this moment to come, a beautiful depiction of were my ancestors came from.
The smile is forming, I feel my face.
Small tear drops I began to taste, flashes of color take over the screen.
As I feel my insides scream Wakanda!!
I can’t help but wish this place did exist, as I marvel at these beautiful images.
My breath is taking and so is my speech, I gotta pee but can’t leave my seat.
The 3D is amazing I feel like I’m there, just another black woman moving in her chair.
Here come the credits I don’t wanna leave, now that was a movie I’d pay twice to see.

Contact Information for Ms. Capri:
P.O. Box 491221
Atlanta, GA 30349

Sunday, March 18, 2018

God is Faithful.....Kevin Dunn with Dunn4U Ministries

God is truly faithful....

Approximately eighteen years ago I met a remarkable family that included a soft spoken and gentle
Kevin R. Dunn
Gospel Artist
young man.  Being the proud father of three and a loving husband were two of his titles in life.  He was also called son, brother, and nephew to the previous generations of Dunn's of Valley, Alabama.  His personality reflected a great up-bring and class. Shortly after meeting him I became smitten and elated to call him friend, as well as my brother in Christ. This man is known as Mr. Kevin Dunn of Dunn4U Ministries.

Kevin, as I so friendly refer to him quickly became a blessing to the ministry in which we were associated with.  The church was small and was in need of growth and development and Kevin became an important part of its expansion.  Kevin assisted by rendering his God given gift of psalms by leading the church's music ministry.  Needless, to say God was faithful with the work of the church and the ministry grew.  In addition, I believe because of Kevin's obedience and willingness to help grow God's kingdom, God spoke a word and gave clear direction for Kevin's future.

If memory serves me correctly, through the voice of God's leaders Kevin was encouraged to minister and sing more frequently and that he would one day create music for others to enjoy via CD's.  Therefore, I am indeed grateful that God allowed me to witness His faithfulness yet once again, towards a remarkable young man, Mr. Kevin Dunn of Dunn4U Ministries.

On March 11, 2018, Kevin release his third CD, entitled "Look at Jesus Lord of the Heavens".  Prior to this album God spoke through Mr. Dunn by way of two other CD's named "Introducing Kevin R. Dunn" and " Kevin R. Dunn Acapella Heaven".  God is truly faithful!

Once we accepted God's faithfulness, we must seek to accept what God has spoken over our individual lives as it relates to our gifts.  The second part of Proverbs 18:16 states, "a man's gift...brings him before great men"(NKJV).  "It is your gift that is the key to your success" is also conveyed to us.  We must strive to believe that our talent is embedded within us and it is fully loaded!  Therefore, I'm encouraging each of you to place on your daily agendas a goal to discover, maximize, and utilized your God given abilities!


Monday, March 5, 2018

Paparazzi Kids

Hello Sister!

I am so excited about a stop I made this weekend!  Staying in line with the well-being of sisters of all ages, Sister Expressions found a gem of a place for young ladies from ages two to eighteen.  As we've once stated, cultivating a healthy woman begins very early in life and it details caring for the totality of the person.  Not taking away from the importance of being a deeply and soulful person on the inside, this location meets the needs of beautifying girls from the outside, it called Paparazzi Kids!

According to our findings the word paparazzi was inspired by "a news photographer named Paparazzo (played by Walter Santesso in the 1960 film La Dolce Vita) is the eponym of the paparazzi."  Therefore, as it is known today paparazzi can be viewed in many different aspects, depending on who you are talking with.  Paparazzi being independent photographers who are constantly on search for the opportunity to photograph high profile people in order to sell their work to high stream media organizations.  Nevertheless, if you happen to find yourself as one of their targets, it's beneficial to be looking your absolute best!  Giving the fact that high profile people are represented in all ages there is no question that having your young sister glamorized by the professional staff at Paparazzi Kids is the move to make!

This five star full service fashionable salon is located south of downtown Atlanta in College Park, Georgia. Paparazzi Kids in now in its third consecutive year of operation and growing yearly.  Founders Sunshine and Sasha are the geniuses behind this upscale beauty salon for girls!  From the services rendered, to the decor your girly-girl will find herself surrounded with sophistication and class as she is being pampered and gleamed for her encounter with the Paparazzi!

Mandy the Motivator

Paparazzi Kids                                                                Hours: Sunday - Closed
5611 W Fayetteville Road Suite 107                                 Monday -
Saturday 8AM to 6PM
College Park, GA 30349                                                           
(770) 703-8855

Glam Squad 

Glam Squad

Lights, Camera & Action

Beautiful Decor

Accessories Available

India and "Special K" Mason with Mandy

Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Feeling My Beauty Before Seeing My Beauty

Hello Sister!

Like many others, as a product of  the 60's I was automatically born into a world of challenges.  One of the main obstacles I was forced to deal was racism.  When we think of racism our first thought involves ethnic groups against other ethnic groups.  However, when entertaining the meaning of racism sociology, we discover that social racism is a term that "refers to racist attitudes within a society, and according to Carl E. James, "society is structured in a way that excludes substantial numbers of people from minority backgrounds from taking part in social institutions. As a result, without being directly taught we develop habits of forming judgments and thoughts of people based on physical attributes and social status.  Since the beginning of the realization of society those who are of a certain echelon is viewed as good and acceptable!  However, we are rapidly discovering that using that strategy or tactic is leaving us expose to higher levels of abuse.  As the "ME TOO" movement grows, we discover that our social ranks does not exclude our need to look for beauty from within!  Feeling my beauty before seeing my beauty is of the up most importance!  When in each other's presence it's the words we use to impact one another that should express what's in my heart.  It is how we assist those in needs and those less fortunate as ourselves that should exhibit who we really are!  Therefore, until next time I encourage you to allow others to feel your beauty!

Mandy the Motivator

Monday, February 26, 2018

Fashion "Savvi" Magazine Style

Personality is known as “the combination of characteristics or qualities that form an individual’s distinctive character,” included in that amalgamation is one’s approach to fashion also known as personal swag.  This weekend Sister Expression was in the mix of fashion through the eyes of Savvi Magazine.  Savvi held a release party at The Ellis Hotel located in the heart of downtown Atlanta.  The party highlighted their February Issue Featuring Cover Model D Alonzo Clay, hosted by James “Jae Tea” Thompson, also known as the The Klasssic Man. 

Savvi Magazine displays the latest in fashion for everyone, models of all size both males and females can be found pounding the runway with designs by labels such as Pretty Plus Girls Inc., Carlos Wayne, ill Crew Clothing, and Wildlyfe just to name a few!   No matter what your style Savvi Magazine seems as though they can provide you with visuals you need to get your SWAG ON! 

Friday, February 23, 2018

What Gets You Through the Door?

Hello Sister!

As I meditated on life today I landed on the thought that from the very second we arrive into the world we are met with goals and expectations.  The doctor and our parents meet us with our first one and that is to cry and begin breathing.  From there the goals get more intense; therefore naturally we begin to form strategies and knowledge regarding how to maneuver through life and some of approaches take different paths.  Therefore, it’s important that as we grow we begin to ask the question, what will get me through the door?

For some climbing the corporate ladder is a primary goal, for others it may be growing a business, and for others completing a degree, but what will get you through the door?  I’m reminded of a popular saying, “it’s not what you know, it’s who you know” and I totally understand the meaning and because God does use people to assist with His blessings there are times when are grateful to others, however ultimately favor and sanctions come from God!  Moreover, it is our job to understand what God is looking for out of His people in order to move on our behalf.  It is clearly stated that God finds pleasure in when we have spectacular goals, purposes, and ideas in life.  He clearly stated in Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV)   For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”  Therefore, no matter what our desires are, it is our drive and character that will promote us to the steps that we take in order to achieve the task at hand.  Let’s seek God’s ways to get us through the doors that leads to conquered goals, dreams, and ambitions.  Be blessed!


Mandy the Motivator💗

Thursday, February 22, 2018

When a Motivator has to Self-Motivate

Heey Sister,

When you think of the life of a Motivator you probably imagine an upbeat person who is a ray of sunshine!  On the other hand you might think that their lives are just smooth sailing. Perhaps you envision them knowing the right strategies to their life challenges, and if so I would agree that most of the times they are able to stay focused through hard times!  However, we all know that trials and tribulations come knocking on every humans door, therefore as a motivator it's impossible to be in mint condition all the time!  So what happens when the Motivator is facing a challenge of some sort?  Does your expectations lead you to believe they remain  positive through it all?  Do you imagine them perhaps having a circle of supporters that guide them through?  Nevertheless, here's a glimpse into a day of challenge with Mandy the Motivator.

Recently, I hit a very tragic storm in my life, although this was not the first one, each one to this magnitude feel as though it's the most severe.  Everything that I worked so hard for in recent years was being questioned and finding the right solutions seemed so far out of my reach.  This situation brought on many emotions and mental challenges that weighed me down day and night.  There were many sleepless nights with thoughts of why is this happening to me?   In addition, when was it going to end?

Nevertheless, I learned several valuable lessons!  One in particular being, the process of going and growing through trails and tribulations cannot be rushed.  As a result, I realized strategies that work best for me.  I took on the stance of David and began to remind myself of what God had already done and if He rescued me before He would surely do it again!  I also allowed those closest to me to have my back.  Whether it was emotional, monetary, or a shoulder to cry on, I knew it was my job to ask for what I needed without shame!  Although, there were many other avenues that I had to take to bring me back to a place of healing, the most important was envisioning myself on the other side of through!  As you face battles and circumstances remember the words of our elders, "trouble don't last always!"  Amen!

Mandy the Motivator

Thursday, February 15, 2018

Recognizing Our Purposes

Hello Again My Sister,

It's a pleasure growing and developing with you!  On my last post I discussed some differences between operating through our pleasures in life verses being influenced and led by our purposes.  Even though, the topic of discovering life's purpose is being preached and taught more and more freely, the number of people discovering their purposes are still dwindling.  In understanding what purpose is, we learn that it's simply "the reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists."  However, how do we find our purpose?

As a believer in God and His existence, I also trust that He is the overseer of this universe and beyond.  In addition, I believe in His word!  According to Genesis 1:27, "So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them."  Through this test many of us have heard sermons and teachings that informs us that our images mimic God's by way of the Trinity.  We've been taught that God has three beings, God, the Father, God, the Son (Jesus), and God, the Holy Spirit.  As a result, human beings consist of having a body, mind, and soul.  Moreover, I would ask you to consider, if that being so, would not our purposes be made in His image as well?  When we study the life of Jesus, we find out that His entire purpose dealt with the need and the necessity of others.  No matter what we do for a living our livelihoods depend on others!  As a singer someone have to purchase your music, or as an educator, someone must be in the need of your knowledge. Therefore discovering our purposes in life is simple, what gifts have God given to you that would serve humanity in an arena that God can be glorified?  What are you simply great at doing with little effort, how have you been called to serve humanity?   Don't be shy to share!

Mandy the Motivator

Motivator and Teacher

Purposeful Living Procedures

  Mandy Hi Sisters!   Brothers, you are welcome too!   One of my favorite pass times is watching human dynamics.  Examining the thought ...

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