Monday, October 12, 2020

What Should We Do With Our Lives?

Hey Sister!

I hope this post finds you in great spirit and "living your best life"!  Speaking of life, I find it a bit intriguing how our lives begin with us having no awareness!  It is amazing of our lack of consciousness regarding the first steps of our developmental process.  As a result, our parents have the responsibility of sculpting our foundation.  It is not until we are able to walk and talk that our memory and our ability to reason bridges our ability to become conscious of our lives and the environment that surrounds us.

Most of us can account for times as young children that we are asked, "what do you want to be when you grow up"?  That one popular question which seems so innocent is powerful and is relevant to our life's work!  I believe our young lives take on interest and pass along signs that sometimes led us to discovering what should we do with our lives. I can remember a time in the late 70's, I was sitting at my dining room table watching my mom prepare breakfast when I picked up a small pamphlet from the table.  It was what I now know to be a "Christian Track".  Not being a over enthused reading for some reason I was drawn to it without a cause, however I didn't put it down until I read the entire thing.  To this day I remember the author's meaning, which was to make it clear to the reader that a good person could find themselves in what the Bible describes as hell.  I gathered that it took a more defined commit to the teachings of God before one could be apart of heaven.  Although, my mom was not an active member of the Christian faith, an I only was nine years old something pricked my heart and what I describe as a burning in my heart, it never went away!  After questioning my mother with a number of inquiries my life went back to normal. 

Fast forwarding the story I found myself heavily involved in the works of the Christian faith at nineteen years old.  Furthermore, I eventually obtained an undergraduate degree in Biblical Education and became a pastor's wife and a local minister.  I currently service humanity in various ways, which supports my theory that knowing what you should do with your life can most likely be traced by to childhood.  I honesty believe that my purpose was stamped on me the day I read that Christian Track and somehow life guided me to my aspiration in life.

Perhaps you are currently in the state of finding your life's ambition?  If so, I would like to encourage you  to think far back to your childhood for experiences and involvements that made an impact on you.  Let me warn you, the memory may not be one of joy and happiness.  Some of you may have had a rough childhood with trauma, but don't over look that experience!  You did survive!  Sometimes we go through bad situations for a much bigger purpose.  Good things can come out of bad circumstances, I can attest to that, but that would be another blog post.  Also, keep in mind that life purposes usually involve the development of humanity in some aspect or another.   Therefore, as you set out to seek the answer to, what should I do with my life, be inspired to discover or rediscover you unique talent that only you can bring to pass!  If you still need a little inspiration and guidance, I have attached a link below to a wonderful article entitled, "How to Find Your Purpose in Life".💓

Motivator and Teacher

Purposeful Living Procedures

  Mandy Hi Sisters!   Brothers, you are welcome too!   One of my favorite pass times is watching human dynamics.  Examining the thought ...

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