Like many of women in my late 20's I found myself telling others that I preferred to be friends with men rather than women. Unfortunately, I had already experienced a lot of disappointment at the hands of women (sisters). From high school disagreements and disappoints, I had the stories. Now, I am not wiggling out of taking some responsibility, but I am convinced that I would have prefered to come to an agreeable solution rather than feel the pain that was I left to deal with. Some of the situations involved girlfriends cheating with my boyfriend, being told I was to fat to be in a close friend's wedding to just being disliked for being honest with a friend. Adulthood was no different, I had girlfriends that always wanted to compete in fashion and in various arenas, but I never saw the need. Eventually, this wore me down and I found myself being used more than anything!
As a result, for many years I only had males friends because it was easier. Males friends didn't care about what I wore or who I was dating. It was not until 2006, I met a female that I have been able to maintain a close bound and friendship with, but it has not been without episodes of misinterpretations or differences of opinions. But, with determination and commitment we have allowed each other to be used to bring healing and restoration. As a result, I created this blog in hopes of keeping SISTERS positive and uplifted regarding each other. I felt a need to provide a place where we can share our feelings and look for advice without the outcome of reality TV woman.
As a result, for many years I only had males friends because it was easier. Males friends didn't care about what I wore or who I was dating. It was not until 2006, I met a female that I have been able to maintain a close bound and friendship with, but it has not been without episodes of misinterpretations or differences of opinions. But, with determination and commitment we have allowed each other to be used to bring healing and restoration. As a result, I created this blog in hopes of keeping SISTERS positive and uplifted regarding each other. I felt a need to provide a place where we can share our feelings and look for advice without the outcome of reality TV woman.
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