Thursday, October 14, 2021

A Time to Celebrate

Hi, Beauties and Blokes!

Good Morning, it's time to celebrate!  I am sure you are asking what is the occasion, right? When we see the word, celebrate, we think of birthdays, weddings, and other fun activities, however, we have much more to add to the list of celebratory events.  As a result, today Sister Expressions is celebrating YOU! You may be asking yourself, what have I done or what is the occasion?  I am glad you asked!

You are indeed worthy to be hailed just for being YOU!  Everyone is unique and exceptional and offers beauty that no one else can extend to the world.  You have gifts and wills that not only deem you victorious but can lend themselves to others, so please join us today as we APPLAUD you!

Until Next Time,

Mandy the Motivator

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Motivator and Teacher

Purposeful Living Procedures

  Mandy Hi Sisters!   Brothers, you are welcome too!   One of my favorite pass times is watching human dynamics.  Examining the thought ...

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