Wednesday, October 13, 2021

How to Create Passion to Fuel Your Goals to Completion?

Hi Sisters and Brothers!

Yes, I said brothers, normally, my post speaks to my sisters, but brothers are in need of seeing their goals fulfilled too! Being a lover of all of humanity, I'm super excited to share what has worked for me in the area of meeting my goals, and fueling my passion!  The definition of passion clearly represents the strong emotions that must be exhibited when passion is a driving force.  However, it was my experience and other emotions coupled together that brought on an extreme level of passion, which led to me to just do what needed to be done for me.

I'm sure that this will sound strange, however, I'm willing to share, in hopes of providing strength to someone who's willing and able to identify with me.  When looking for strength and passion to start on a particular journey, I pulled from other emotions that I experienced in the past which, flooded and moved me to higher levels or depths in life. Some of those emotions were good and some were not so pleasant.  I'm sure we can agree that it's quite easy to use good emotions and past triumphs to fuel new goals to completion.  However, it's remembering to use those previous victories to ignite a new passion that sometimes stops us from current levels of growth.  Therefore, I recommend journaling in order to establish a means of keeping up with those victories.  Having those victories stored and readily available and within hand's reach will eliminate negative thoughts and feelings from taking over which most often leads to depression and unmet goals.

Staying in lines of transparency, I will be the first to admit that negative experiences seem to be the first past experiences that come to mind when we are low on self-motivation energy, so how do we use them to create positive results? The strategy that I use is allowing myself to not only remember the difficulty in that undesirable encounter but focus on the fact that I made it through!  Recognizing the positive aspects and identifying with the lessons learned and using them to my advantage!  Asking myself those important questions, such as, what was my role in the situation, how could I have handled it differently, and establishing foundational rules for the next uncomfortable situation that I may encounter.  In lighter terms, being mentally prepared and emotionally stable for the future.

As a result, being blessed with life means we have time to set and met our goals.  I encourage you to be deliberate and intentional with the time that you have been awarded to live.  I hope I have inspired and reinsured you to set goals and establish a winning plan as you enjoy being alive! Feed your passion and promote from your doubt!

Until Next Time, 

Mandy the Motivator

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Motivator and Teacher

Purposeful Living Procedures

  Mandy Hi Sisters!   Brothers, you are welcome too!   One of my favorite pass times is watching human dynamics.  Examining the thought ...

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