Friday, January 15, 2021

Don't Give Up

Hi Sister!

Just wanted to share a word of encouragement! "Don't give up"! I know you have heard this many times and perhaps you are considering skipping this message, BUT DON'T! This is for someone who is suffering from a disappointment or what may seem to be a delay or betrayal and wondering why? Well, please consider this: GREAT things come from that place if you just DON'T GIVE UP! Let's look at some examples: Salvation came after Jesus suffered, if you talk to inventors, etc., they will convey a message of failure before success, and the list goes on.

Here's what I want you to do, ponder, and pray about your next move, collaborate with a well-trusted friend, and allow God the opportunity to reinvent your steps for a greater outcome in your favor! Remember winners, always win when we DON'T GIVE UP!!!😘

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  Mandy Hi Sisters!   Brothers, you are welcome too!   One of my favorite pass times is watching human dynamics.  Examining the thought ...

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