Friday, February 23, 2018

What Gets You Through the Door?

Hello Sister!

As I meditated on life today I landed on the thought that from the very second we arrive into the world we are met with goals and expectations.  The doctor and our parents meet us with our first one and that is to cry and begin breathing.  From there the goals get more intense; therefore naturally we begin to form strategies and knowledge regarding how to maneuver through life and some of approaches take different paths.  Therefore, it’s important that as we grow we begin to ask the question, what will get me through the door?

For some climbing the corporate ladder is a primary goal, for others it may be growing a business, and for others completing a degree, but what will get you through the door?  I’m reminded of a popular saying, “it’s not what you know, it’s who you know” and I totally understand the meaning and because God does use people to assist with His blessings there are times when are grateful to others, however ultimately favor and sanctions come from God!  Moreover, it is our job to understand what God is looking for out of His people in order to move on our behalf.  It is clearly stated that God finds pleasure in when we have spectacular goals, purposes, and ideas in life.  He clearly stated in Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV)   For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”  Therefore, no matter what our desires are, it is our drive and character that will promote us to the steps that we take in order to achieve the task at hand.  Let’s seek God’s ways to get us through the doors that leads to conquered goals, dreams, and ambitions.  Be blessed!


Mandy the Motivatorđź’—

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